Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) Eligible Expenses
This account is a pre-tax benefit account that is used to pay for eligible dependent care services. See the bottom of this list for more information on required DCFSA supporting documentation.
Submit a reimbursement request on the Via Benefits Accounts mobile app, online, or by mail/fax. Include the provider signature when submitting your DCFSA reimbursement request, and you don’t need to include supporting documents like receipts.
Who qualifies as a dependent?
A child in your care under 13 years old. In general, a dependent is defined as living in your home for more than half the year.
A dependent with disabilities 13 years old or older who you claim on your taxes.
Adult daycare center services - Eligible
After school care - Eligible
Au pair - Eligible
Babysitting services - Eligible
Before school care - Eligible
Custodial care for dependent adults - Eligible
Dance, language, music, martial arts, piano, sports, or other lessons included in day camp - Eligible
Day camp - Eligible
Daycare center - Eligible
Early drop-off fees - Eligible
Elder care – non-medical services in the home - Eligible
Extended daycare - Eligible
FICA and FUTA costs paid for a care provider - Eligible
Late pickup fees - Eligible
Nanny care for dependent adults and dependent children - Eligible
Nursery schools - Eligible
Payments to a relative over the age of 19 that isn't a dependent for childcare services - Eligible
Payroll taxes related to eligible dependent care - Eligible
Placement fees for a dependent care provider (e.g., au pair) - Eligible
Preschools for pre-Kindergarten including tuition and care - Eligible
Registration fees for daycare, nursery schools, day camps, or other care for dependents - Eligible
Transportation fees provided by the eligible dependent care provider - Eligible
Activity fees for school - Not Eligible
Background checks for a voluntary service provider - Not Eligible
Book fees for school - Not Eligible
Care during a leave of absence, maternity leave, or medical leave - Not Eligible
Clothing costs or fees - Not Eligible
Convenience fees at a provider or school - Not Eligible
Dance, language, music, martial arts, piano, sports, or other lessons - Not Eligible
Entertainment costs or fees at a camp, provider, or school - Not Eligible
Field trip costs at provider or school - Not Eligible
Food or dining costs - Not Eligible
Housekeeping costs – gardener, maid services, personal chef - Not Eligible
Incidental expenses - Not Eligible
Late payment fees at provider or school - Not Eligible
Material fees at school - Not Eligible
Meals and snacks - Not Eligible
Medical care - Not Eligible
Nursing home care - Not Eligible
Overnight camp - Not Eligible
Online or virtual classes - Not Eligible
Online day camps - Not Eligible
Parent meeting or meetup - Not Eligible
Potty or toilet training costs - Not Eligible
Provider discounts or coupons - Not Eligible
School tuition for kindergarten and any grade level above - Not Eligible
Sleep-away camp - Not Eligible
Sunscreen fees - Not Eligible
Supply fees - Not Eligible
Ready to Submit a Reimbursement Request?
Select Get Reimbursed from your Dashboard. Complete the online reimbursement request. You'll need the Provider's signature or supporting documentation.
Mobile App
Select Get Reimbursed from your Dashboard. Complete the online reimbursement request. You'll need the Provider's signature or supporting documentation.
Mail or Fax
Mail or fax a signed DCFSA Reimbursement Request Form. You'll need the Provider's signature or to send in supporting documentation.
Important: Make sure your completed form includes the dependent's date of birth.
Mail to: Via Benefits PO Box 25172 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5172
Fax to: 1-813-387-0744
Requirements for Submitting Supporting Documentation
When submitting a reimbursement request without a Provider’s signature, all supporting documents (e.g., itemized receipts) must contain the following:
Date(s) of service or care service period (e.g., 01/01/2023)
Dependent’s name (e.g., Jane Smith)
Description of service (e.g., daycare fees)
Amount (e.g., $100.00)
Provider/business name including Tax I.D. or Social Security Number (e.g., KinderCare)
Note: Credit card receipts, canceled checks, payment receipts without the proper itemized description of charges, and balance forward statements are not acceptable forms of supporting documentation.