Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) Eligible Expenses 

This account is a pre-tax benefit account that is used to pay for eligible dependent care services. See the bottom of this list for more information on required DCFSA supporting documentation. 

Submit a reimbursement request on the Via Benefits Accounts mobile app, online, or by mail/fax. Include the provider signature when submitting your DCFSA reimbursement request, and you don’t need to include supporting documents like receipts.

Who qualifies as a dependent? 

  • A child in your care under 13 years old. In general, a dependent is defined as living in your home for more than half the year. 

  • A dependent with disabilities 13 years old or older who you claim on your taxes.


Adult daycare center services - Eligible 

After school care - Eligible 

Au pair - Eligible 

Babysitting services - Eligible 

Before school care - Eligible 

Custodial care for dependent adults  - Eligible 

Dance, language, music, martial arts, piano, sports, or other lessons included in day camp   - Eligible 

Day camp - Eligible 

Daycare center - Eligible 

Early drop-off fees - Eligible 

Elder care – non-medical services in the home - Eligible 

Extended daycare - Eligible 

FICA and FUTA costs paid for a care provider - Eligible 

Late pickup fees - Eligible 

Nanny care for dependent adults and dependent children - Eligible

Nursery schools - Eligible 

Payments to a relative over the age of 19 that isn't a dependent for childcare services - Eligible 

Payroll taxes related to eligible dependent care - Eligible

Placement fees for a dependent care provider (e.g., au pair) - Eligible 

Preschools for pre-Kindergarten including tuition and care - Eligible 

Registration fees for daycare, nursery schools, day camps, or other care for dependents - Eligible 

Transportation fees provided by the eligible dependent care provider - Eligible

Activity fees for school - Not Eligible 

Background checks for a voluntary service provider  - Not Eligible 

Book fees for school - Not Eligible 

Care during a leave of absence, maternity leave, or medical leave   - Not Eligible 

Clothing costs or fees - Not Eligible 

Convenience fees at a provider or school  - Not Eligible 

Dance, language, music, martial arts, piano, sports, or other lessons - Not Eligible 

Entertainment costs or fees at a camp, provider, or school - Not Eligible 

Field trip costs at provider or school - Not Eligible 

Food or dining costs - Not Eligible 

Housekeeping costs – gardener, maid services, personal chef - Not Eligible 

Incidental expenses - Not Eligible 

Late payment fees at provider or school - Not Eligible 

Material fees at school - Not Eligible

Meals and snacks - Not Eligible 

Medical care - Not Eligible 

Nursing home care - Not Eligible 

Overnight camp - Not Eligible

Online or virtual classes - Not Eligible 

Online day camps - Not Eligible

Parent meeting or meetup - Not Eligible 

Potty or toilet training costs - Not Eligible 

Provider discounts or coupons - Not Eligible

School tuition for kindergarten and any grade level above - Not Eligible 

Sleep-away camp - Not Eligible

Sunscreen fees - Not Eligible 

Supply fees - Not Eligible 

Ready to Submit a Reimbursement Request?

  • Online

    Select Get Reimbursed from your Dashboard. Complete the online reimbursement request. You'll need the Provider's signature or supporting documentation.

  • Mobile App

    Select Get Reimbursed from your Dashboard. Complete the online reimbursement request. You'll need the Provider's signature or supporting documentation.

  • Mail or Fax

    Mail or fax a signed DCFSA Reimbursement Request Form. You'll need the Provider's signature or to send in supporting documentation.

    Important: Make sure your completed form includes the dependent's date of birth.

    Mail to: Via Benefits PO Box 25172 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5172

    Fax to: 1-813-387-0744

Requirements for Submitting Supporting Documentation 

When submitting a reimbursement request without a Provider’s signature, all supporting documents (e.g., itemized receipts) must contain the following: 

Date(s) of service or care service period (e.g., 01/01/2023) 

Dependent’s name (e.g., Jane Smith) 

Description of service (e.g., daycare fees) 

Amount (e.g., $100.00) 

Provider/business name including Tax I.D. or Social Security Number (e.g., KinderCare) 

Note: Credit card receipts, canceled checks, payment receipts without the proper itemized description of charges, and balance forward statements are not acceptable forms of supporting documentation.